Success does not depend on making important decision quick, but it depend on your quick action on important decision.

Microsoft Certified
  • Head Master
  • Structure Master
  • Fine Setup
  • Session Creation
  • Dues Management
  • Fee Relaxation
  • Previous caution money entry
  • Opening Balance
  • Received fund
  • Refund fund
  • Fees adjustment through fund
  • Send fund for adjustment and forfeit
  • Fees Receipt : Bank , Cash , Draft, Adjustable , Other receivable like university, samaj kalian etc
  • Installment details, Search receipt, student complete details (dues, receipt, fund, refund, bank list etc
  • Miscellaneous head apply
  • Common receipt
  •  Search refundable amount
  • Fund transfer
  • Dues search
  • Cheque bounce
  • Forfeit refundable
  • Ex Student details
  • Bank List
  • Fees Refund
  • Reports: Date Wise Collection, Head Wise Collection, Cash/ Bank , Student Ledger, Balance and dues/defaulter  report, Bank Payment report.
  • Customization
College ERP|Institute ERP|University ERP Management Software System, Automation Software
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